Category: DBC

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About Us

Devaguru Bṛhaspati Center (DBC) is a subsidiary of Śrī Jagannāth Center (SJC) that was established (1998) in India with the objective of teaching in the tradition (jyotiṣa paraṁparā) of Śrī Acyutānanda Dāsa of Oḍisā. We emphasize and adhere to the wise teachings of the Maharṣi’s like Parāśara and Jaimini. Mentors are called jyotiṣa gurus who are well qualified and participate or head study centres.
SJC attempts to infuse the highest standards of integrity through the strict discipline of yogic practices of Vedic tradition including training in remedial measures.

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Welcome to the Parāśara Jyotisa Course

You have taken a monumental decision to study this great classic of Maharṣi Parāśara. It contains 100 Chapters and although we have planned to complete it in 6 years, we shall do our best to stick to this schedule. However, you can take more or less time depending on the amount of time you have to devote to jyotiṣa every day.

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