Author: srath

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Śubhārambha Plan

We have a certain vision for the students of PJC Year-1 which needs to be completed with their mentor. You will notice under Members >> PJC Year-1 >> Śubhārambha that there are 15 lessons including some slide presentations. The objective of this introductory course is to give you a taste and real introduction to the knowledge of the seers. The lessons include nice examples and are well illustrated covering the entire gamut of vedic learning with a focus on jyotiṣa.

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Long Course

BPHS takes 5 months to read, max! why does this course need 5 years?

Every subject has levels of knowledge and the same book can be taught at different levels. I studied Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’ for my 10th Grade and am pretty sure that the Masters level students in English Literature who study the same book would be doing more justice to it. Consider the pronunciation of words.

When I was four, I dropped a book on the floor and my mother taught me to pick it up and place it back.

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Why are we approaching the topics of BPHS in this manner?

This is the manner in which we have learnt Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra and that is the exactly same manner in which we intend to teach this vedic classic. The present form of BPHS is the result of the efforts to bring together the lost book. Even at the heights of his fame, Varāhamihira did not have access to BPHS which can only mean that the book was not publicly available and only certain brāhmaṇa families held this sacred knowledge in secrecy.

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Pt. Sanjay Rath

Sanjay RathBE.MechEngg, Jyotiṣa Guru, Jaimini Scholar
Personal Website
DBC Education/
New Delhi, India
+91 9818593935

Sanjay Rath belongs to a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village of Puri, Orissa, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Sri Achyutananda). Sanjay studied under his uncle, late Pandit Kasinath Rath. His grandfather, the late Pandit Jagannath Rath, was the Jyotish Ratna of Orissa and authored many books on Jyotish.

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