Author: srath

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Jyotiṣa Devatā

As a subject, Jyotiṣa has a few major heads which include –
• Lakṣaṇa Śāstra which means study of the omens and signs on the body and around. This includes Hastā-rekhā śāstra or palmistry which is the forte of Subrāhmaṇya or Kārtikeya
• Horā Śāstra is the forte of Gaṇeśa
• Gaṇita Śāstra including Vedic Numerology is another head
…. All these come under the three wings called Gaṇita, Horā and Saṁhitā
Once there was a debate between Kārtikeya and Gaṇeśa and Lord Śiva was the judge. Kārtikeya wrote the entire Lakṣaṇa śāstra whereas Gaṇeśa wrote Horā śāstra.

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Time Required

How many hours by week i.e. how much time is required? Also in which month (approx) the contact program will be held?
Answer: You can study the course at your own pace as each individual has their own time and method of learning a subject. In the vedic studies, it is best advised to wake up early at 4 – 4.30am and start studying at 5am. That way you can put in about 1-2 hours every morning when there is no disturbance and the mind is also well rested and free from the days energy.

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Online Classes

How are the classes conducted online through internet?
Answer: The classes are conducted through lessons. These lessons are online pages and they also have video in the form of recorded slides from live classes that were conducted in the Himalayas.

In addition, there are preparatory lessons, about one per month, that precede the Himalaya (or other contact classes).

Many mentors have their own schedule of webinars.

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New Batch?

Will the course starting from January (2015, or any year) have a new batch of people or the course is continuing from previous years?
Answer: Whenever we mention ‘New Batch’ it means that this is for a new batch of students.

There are already other batches from the calendar years 2011, 2012, 2013… They are in advanced years.

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Bhagavat Gita Sloka 10-20

अहमात्मा गुडाकेश सर्वभूताशयस्थितः।
अहमादिश्च मध्यं च भूतानामन्त एव च॥ १०-२०॥
ahamātmā guḍākeśa sarvabhūtāśayasthitaḥ |
ahamādiśca madhyaṁ ca bhūtānāmanta eva ca || 10-20||
Simple Translation: O thick-haired (Arjuna), I am the Ātmā (soul) abiding in the heart of all beings. I am also the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings.
Jyotiṣa Notes: The sun represents the soul and the life force in all living beings. It defines the inner nature as well as reveals the form, of all beings.

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